Medical Massage Therapy

Resolve pain, ease tension, and improve performance in Los Alamos.

We use an ‘evidence-informed’ neuromuscular approach to resolve pain.

Chronic pain is often caused by tight muscles and connective tissues that keep your body’s structures from moving freely. Our Medical Massage Therapies target tight tissues and stretches them to release scar tissue and myofascial trigger points.

Our treatment method combines manual therapy with assisted movements to address soft-tissue dysfunction, misalignment and postural deviations. We combine conventional orthopedic and functional neuromuscular medical therapies. Our goal is to find the best conservative, regenerative treatments for relieving pain and optimizing mobility, to promote healing and prevent future problems. We are honored to provide the local community with Medical Massage Therapy in Los Alamos.

*Insurance accepted. Contact us today to find out more.

What is Medical Massage?

Medical massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on the musculoskeletal system, specifically on the muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Medical massage can be used to address a wide range of musculoskeletal issues, including chronic pain, injuries, and conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.

How can Medical Massage help?

Medical massage typically involves the use of techniques such as deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy to help release tension, reduce pain, and improve mobility and range of motion. Medical massage may also involve the use of stretches and other rehabilitative techniques to help improve muscle function and support the healing process.

Medical massage can be beneficial for people of all ages, including athletes, seniors, and those with chronic pain conditions. It can be an effective way to manage pain and improve overall musculoskeletal health and function. If you are experiencing musculoskeletal issues or are looking to improve your overall musculoskeletal health, call us at (505) 396-4030 to schedule an appointment today.

Who can benefit from Medical Massage?